In [14]:
;-- comment line
In [15]:
filename = "$HOME/NCL/NUG/Version_1.0/data/"
system("ncdump -h "+filename)
In [16]:
f = addfile(filename,"r")
In [17]:
t = f->tsurf
In [18]:
wks = gsn_open_wks("png","test")
In [19]:
res = True
res@gsnFrame = False
res@cnFillOn = True
res@tiMainString = "Title string"
In [20]:
plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,t(1,:,:),res)
In [21]:
txres = True
txres@txFontHeightF = 0.016
In [22]:
gsn_text_ndc(wks,"new text line",0.5,0.75,txres)
In [23]:
;setvalues plot@contour
; "cnLinesOn" : False
;end setvalues
In [24]:
In [25]:
system("convert -trim +repage test.png test-small.png; rm -rf test.png")
Display the plot file content in external window using open or display (Code cell): system("open test-small.png")
Display the plot file content inline (Markdown cell): ![title](test-small.png "Title")
In [ ]:
In [ ]: